Based on, Laure Shang’s “A la Claire Fontaine” is her first and only song that made into top 100 music charts with a total number of seven appearances around the world. In the post “Who and Where are Watching Laure Shang’s Youtube Video”, it can be seen that the MV of this song, even with Chinese lyrics, has been viewed over 130,000 times by people in every continent across the world.
Laure Shang’s last two albums “Nightmare” and “In” have lots of songs in English and French lyrics. Even with no global promotion at all from her company, there are still interests to pursuit these songs by people around the world. One indicator is that several file sharing website or torrent seraching websites are consistantly among the front searching results when you type “Laure Shang” in Google. Her most popular track played in is “Love Warrior” for the last six months.
All above leads to one conclusion: Laure Shang is ready to make her appearance on the Top 100 music charts again around the world. Only obstacle that prevent this to become a reality is her company’s shortsight and weird business decision-making.